
The website is operated by and on behalf of 皇家88账户注册 - including its affiliates, 分歧, 业务单位及子公司(“本公司”).

建立个人资料保障制度, 公司实施了一项隐私政策,其中包含了支持遵守适用隐私法律法规的基本隐私原则和概念. 本隐私声明总结了皇家88娱乐的政策如何适用于皇家88娱乐的网站以及相关通信和服务(“服务”),但不包括根据不同隐私声明或政策提供的服务.

This 隐私 Statement applies to personal information the Company may collect through this website, and to other information we may collect in the course of our business. The Company will determine the purposes and means of processing personal data provided to, 由本人或为他人收取, 或与皇家88娱乐的服务相关的处理. As either an Anonymous Visitor or a Registered User of our 服务, 集合, 使用 and sharing of personal data is subject to this 隐私 Statement and updates.

皇家88账户注册 respects your privacy and does not sell, rent or loan any personal data collected. 您提供给延森休斯的任何信息,皇家88娱乐将以谨慎和安全的方式处理,并仅用于符合本隐私声明的合法和授权目的.

本隐私声明不适用于与本公司员工有关的个人信息. 集合, processing and handling of Company employees' personal information is governed by Company policies.

Specifics of how personal data will be collected and administered is described below.



We collect information from you when you fill out a form. 通过皇家88娱乐的网站与皇家88娱乐联系时, 适当的, 您可能会被要求输入您的姓名, 电子邮件地址, 邮寄地址, 电话号码, 公司名称和/或职位名称. 皇家88娱乐在以下情况下收集和处理数据:

  • Register or complete a contact, or information request form
  • Voluntarily complete a customer survey or provide feedback via email
  • 使用或查看皇家88娱乐的网站通过您的浏览器的cookies
  • Follow or connect with us via social media or the telephone
  • 在活动和贸易展览上与皇家88娱乐分享
  • Request an interview with a 皇家88账户注册 spokesperson
  • 请求皇家88账户注册专家
  • 申请本公司的职位

If submitting a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Forensic Assignment (FA)

除了上面列出的数据, 在提交RFP或FA时, you may provide personal data on other individuals associated with the request. 皇家88账户注册些信息包括但不限于:

  • 被保险人信息(姓名、地址、电话)
  • 账单信息(姓名、地址、电话号码)
  • 遗失地点(地址)
  • Claim and/or evidence description, which may include names, addresses and 电话号码s

If applying for a position with the Company, please be aware of the following:

  • 皇家88娱乐收集您的个人资料,当您提供, 发布或上传文件到皇家88娱乐的网站, such as when you fill out a form or submit a CV/resume.
  • You have choices about the information on your applicant profile, 比如你的教育, 工作经验, 和技能. 你应该只提供与皇家88娱乐招聘和招聘过程中工作资格相关的信息.
  • 当你申请美国大学时.S.的位置, we are legally required to ask you to identify your race, 种族, 性别, 退伍军人和残疾状况. However, you are under no obligation to provide that information.
  • Please do not upload or include Sensitive Personal Data in your profile, 包括你的简历或其他文件. 敏感个人资料可能包括, 但不限于, 种族或民族背景, 身体或精神健康信息, 宗教信仰, 基因或生物特征数据, 以及性取向.


We also collect data indirectly through the 使用 of cookies, 网站分析和社交媒体. 皇家88娱乐还可能根据您与皇家88娱乐网站和电子邮件通信的互动和行为收集和存储数据.


Our Company collects data to allow us to better service our clients and your needs. 皇家88娱乐收集已识别的数据是为了满足皇家88娱乐向客户和其他感兴趣的个人提供服务的合法商业利益. This interest is not overridden by your personal interests, rights and freedoms in protecting your personal data. 您提供的个人资料可能会用于:

  • 与您沟通皇家88娱乐的服务, 关于詹森·休斯的未来事件和最新消息, 根据你的沟通喜好.
  • 运营、评估和改进皇家88娱乐的业务
  • 分析皇家88娱乐的产品、服务和网站
  • 进行市场调查
  • 联系 you during the recruitment and hiring process


We do not sell or otherwise disclose personal data that you provide to us or that we collect, 除了皇家88账户注册里描述的. 皇家88娱乐可能会与代表皇家88娱乐提供服务的服务提供商共享您提供给皇家88娱乐的或皇家88娱乐通过本网站收集的个人数据(例如.e.、催收协助). 当皇家88娱乐皇家88账户注册些服务提供商合作时, 皇家88娱乐采取了适当的保密和安全措施,以限制您的个人资料仅用于符合本隐私声明的合法和授权目的.


皇家88娱乐是一家全球性公司,无论皇家88娱乐转移到哪里,皇家88娱乐都会以符合法律的方式转移个人数据. 皇家88账户注册收集的个人数据可能会在美国以及皇家88娱乐在其他国家的附属公司和子公司进行存储和处理. 皇家88娱乐将采取一切合理的措施保护您的个人资料的传输,并确保您的隐私权继续受到保护.

Our Company securely stores your data in the following ways:

  • On secure web, email and data cloud hosting services
  • 在内部服务器和电脑上,包括笔记本电脑
  • 在移动设备上



皇家88娱乐有合理和适当的电子和物理安全措施,以防止损失, mis使用 and alteration of the information under our control. 请注意, 然而, that while we strive to protect your personally identifiable information and privacy, 没有技术, data transmission or system is guaranteed or warranted to be 100% secure.


As our processing of your personal data is based on consent, 您可以随时撤回同意,前提是撤回同意不会影响先前处理的合法性, or when t在皇家88账户注册里 are other legal grounds for the company retaining your data as processed. 除了, 根据适用的数据保护法律, you have the right to: (i) receive information on what personal data 皇家88账户注册 is collecting; (ii) receive 访问 to such data and, 如果有必要的话, have it changed so it is correct; (iii) have your personal data deleted; (iv) restrict 皇家88账户注册 from processing, 或者限制皇家88娱乐处理问题的方式, your personal data; and (v) obtain a copy of the personal data we have collected.


如果你在欧洲经济区, 您也可以随时撤回您的同意,而不会影响撤回之前进行的任何处理的合法性或根据其他法律依据处理您的个人数据.

您还有权向您所在国家的数据保护监管机构提出投诉. You can find the contact information of the data protection supervisory authority in your country 在皇家88账户注册里.

如果你在加州, 你有知情权, 访问, 并删除您的个人数据,不会因行使《皇家88娱乐》规定的权利而受到歧视.


cookie是放置在您计算机上的文本文件,用于收集标准的互联网日志信息和访问者行为信息. 当您访问皇家88娱乐的网站时, we may collect information from you automatically through cookies or similar technology.

欲知详情,请浏览网页 allaboutcookies.org.


Our Company 使用s cookies in a range of ways to improve your experience on our website, including:

  • 让你签到
  • 了解您如何使用皇家88娱乐的网站
  • 改善皇家88娱乐网站的可用性
  • 跟踪和分析网络流量


T在皇家88账户注册里 are a number of different types of cookies, 然而, our website 使用s:

  • 饼干:功能 本公司使用皇家88账户注册些cookie是为了在皇家88娱乐的网站上识别您并记住您以前选择的偏好. These could include what language you prefer and location you are in. A mix of first-party and third-party cookies are 使用d.
  • 会话cookie: These allow websites to link the actions of a 使用r during a browser session only, 比如在美国.当用户从皇家88娱乐的图像库下载图像时,会话cookie用于记住用户提供的详细信息. 皇家88账户注册意味着如果用户下载了多个图像,他们只需要在会话期间输入一次详细信息. 会话cookie在浏览器会话i后过期.e.,关闭浏览器窗口即可
  • 持久的饼干: 皇家88账户注册些是存储在用户设备上的cookie,在浏览器会话之间允许记住用户的偏好或操作. 皇家88账户注册不使用皇家88账户注册类饼干
  • 第一方饼干: This is the general name for cookies which are set by the website visited by a 使用r
  • 分析饼干: 皇家88账户注册些cookie用于收集有关人们如何访问和使用网站的信息,是皇家88娱乐网站上最常用的类型.


您可以设置浏览器不接受cookie, and the above website tells you how to remove cookies from your browser. However, in a few cases, some of our website features may not function as a result.


此链接指向机器可读文件 皇家88账户注册些数据是根据联邦《皇家88账户注册》提供的,包括健康计划和医疗保健提供者之间协商的服务费率和网络外允许金额. The machine-readable files are formatted to allow researchers, 监管机构, and application developers to more easily 访问 and analyze data.


Our Company website contains links to other websites. 本隐私声明仅适用于本网站, 如果你点击另一个网站的链接, 你应该看看他们的隐私声明.


Our Company keeps its privacy statement under regular review and places any updates on this web page. We will post the updated version and indicate at the top when it was most recently updated.



如果您希望皇家88娱乐更新您的信息或者您不再希望延森休斯与您联系, 你可联络皇家88娱乐:

电邮地址: info@krissystems.com



除了, you may also opt out by using the unsubscribe option on an email.


If you have any questions or comments about this Statement or any issue relating to how we collect, 使用, 或披露个人资料, or, 你可联络皇家88娱乐:
